Alex and I have only lived in the Village for three months. Often people we’ve met here, or known outside, have asked how we like it. We’ve been happy to share our impressions, which include that most of the residents we have so far encountered are positive, content, and grateful to be here. The outdoors environment is beautiful – providing garden, park, lakeside, and bush surroundings all on the Village property. The social and recreational facilities are diverse and of high quality, meeting the needs of people with different interests. The gardening and maintenance services are prompt and friendly, and the admin staff is concerned and helpful. The activities offer a wide variety of opportunities and everyone who wishes to participate is likely to find something of interest. Neighbours are amicable and positive, helping others as needed. 

Nevertheless, we also realise that inevitably not every single resident shares these impressions. This would not be realistic or possible in any human group or community of about 400 residents. And, from time to time, valid concerns will arise. Such is life. 

Recently on a morning walk, we met a couple, who appeared somewhat disenchanted. Here’s what we feel will help in such situations to preserve the good morale being experienced in this Village:

  • Listen deeply and hear what concerns are being expressed. Discern what may also be an overall negative frame of mind or attitude. Realise that it is not our responsibility to solve their concern or change their perception. However, being an empathetic listener can help people see solutions to their problems themselves. 
  • Refrain from judging the situation, or taking sides, when in all likelihood we don’t know both sides of the story.
  • Protect our own well-being. Be aware that in any group, a negative disposition by one or a few can spread like a virus and “infect” others. Listening to a lot of negativism will drag us down, leaving us feeling negative or even discouraged. 
  • Take full personal responsibility. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our reaction to any event or situation. We cannot blame others for making us feel bad. We can choose who we associate with, what we listen to, and what we focus on. Thoughts and influences are powerful – they are like seeds that will germinate and grow. Therefore, we need to vigilantly exercise control over what we allow into our lives and minds.
  • Focus on the positive — the many good things in our life, in the Village, in our country, etc. This, of course, is not to deny the suffering and pain that exists all around us.
  • Practice the art of gratitude — be grateful for the good present in any situation. Also, reflect for a moment on the many in the world that are so much worse off than we are.
  • Choose discerningly what we participate in. Remember that time is precious. Therefore, we need to steer away from situations that are not in our best interests. 

May the new year bring us good experiences at this special Village, and may there continue to be a positive spirit that will also influence those who will be joining us here in the months and years ahead.

Eva and Alex Peck


(1) Listen deeply
(2) Refrain from judging
(3) Protect one’s own well-being
(4) Take full personal responsibility
(5) Focus on the positive
(6) Practice the art of gratitude
(7) Choose discerningly what one participates in

(Eva and Alex Peck)

Spread the love and compassion