My wife, Eva, and I had settled into the Renaissance Retirement Village reasonably well and had signed up for a Village coach trip to spend a day exploring the vastness of the renowned Mt. Tamborine with its spectacular views. Sitting in the comfortable, air-conditioned  coach and looking at the scenery proved an ideal time to reflect on life and our new chapter in the Retirement Village.

For lunch, Eva and I visited one of the many fine restaurants in the tourist hub. As it turned out, I didn’t really fancy any of the dishes offered — instead, I chose to jot down some heartfelt reflections about life and shared them with Eva.   

Following are the reflections and insights that I wrote down that day on a small notepad page:

Accept the Realities in Life

(1) I am now 74 years old — and each year seems to pass so quickly.

(2) The time left in life is relatively short — compared to the 74 years that have passed.

(3) The available time left in life is uncertain.

Make a Personal New Start

(1) Internalise the lifestyle for healthy living captured in the Adventist acronym, NEWSTART: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust (in divine power).

(2) Focus on what is really important now — one’s spiritual practice, and not the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, status, and praise. 

(3) Be positiveoptimistic, and confident toward the future, having always had all my needs met throughout life — don’t now be negative and fearful.

Let Go of the Past

(1) There is no time or need to go back to all our old possessions of over 40 years — such as files, books, magazines (we will all die, and our possessions will be dispersed, so why cling to them so much?).

(2) There is no space in our new Villa to excessively store many of our old possessions. 

(3) There is no value in going back over old material since we have personally grown since — their purpose has been fulfilled. 

Focus on the Present

(1) Now is the time to prepare our old home for sale — and to pass it on to new owners with a loving and grateful heart (having been able to enjoy it for 18 years).

(2) Use our remaining time in life in service toward others — via writing, websites, and people interaction.

(3) Guard our health — especially via a nutritious dietexercise (walking), and adequate rest.

Alexander Peck (October 17, 2023)

Compiled during our Village Mt. Tamborine coach trip.

Edited on November 11, 2023 — Remembrance Day 

If desired, each of us can create personal, heartfelt aspirations for:

Accepting the realities of one’s life
Making a personal new start in life
Letting go of the past
Focusing on the present
(Alexander Peck)

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